Blog Description

Hi Everyone,

This blog is an online account of the progress of my learning of Interactive Design, and its related subjects. The blog will include examples of my work, as well as links and other useful information.

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mood Board

This is my mood board of Johnny Smith.

Planning tools for Interaction

As some of you may have already seen my flowchart, I will attach some other written instructions for making toast.

1. Open loaf of bread
2. Get out a slice of bread
3. Check to see that toaster is plugged in and power is on
4. Put bread into the toaster
5. Check the setting of the toaster
6. Set to desired number
7. Push down on lever
8. Wait for toast
9. Check toast is cooked enough/ Re-cook if needed
10. Get toast out
11. Eat toast

Information/Instructional design - Examples

Here are some examples of information and instructional design graphics:

Information/Instructional design - Definition

What is Information/Instructional Design?

It is exactly what it says it is.

It is the design of information or instructions. Information presented in a way that is easy to read and understand.

For example:
A road directory is an example of information and instructional design because it provides information about locations, but it also gives some instruction as to where a person can or cannot drive to.

Making Toast

This is an example of my own work that I made as a class exercise on the process one might undergo when preparing toast.

Interactive Design - Examples

Here are some examples of Some Interactive Design sites on the internet: - A cool website that allows for interaction with the content of the site, while at the same time it is a very well designed website with great content. The site itself allows the user to have a food fight with a selection of characters. When having a food fight on the site, and the food is flying around, the site begins to be covered in food and fall apart. To even suggest that this site is not interactive would be crazy. - Otherwise known as "coconut run", this site is an interactive game website where users can not only play a game, but also edit and change the vehicle used in the game, making it more interactive and editable. - Another highly interactive website, very closely related to design. This website allows the user to interact with a colour wheel to come up with colour schemes for websites.

Web 2.0 - Examples

Giving a description of this concept is not sufficient enough for someone to fully understand what it means. Seeing is believing. Below I have listed some examples and links that people can follow. Some of them you may already be aware of and even use almost every time you log on to the net.

Blogger - - Allows for interaction between a user and the internet, and other users. Posts can be made, and updated, and commented on.

Facebook - - Almost everyone should be aware of the existence of Facebook and what its purpose and use is. However, for those who have not heard of it, it is a social networking site that allows people from anywhere in the world to be connected through a global or even national network of users. Marshall Mcluhan's :("Global Village" is very appropriately illustrated by Facebook.

YouTube - - Just like Facebook, everyone should be aware of YouTube. This is a site that allows people from anywhere to upload videos of themselves or anything else for that matter onto the one site where it is shared with the rest of the world. The site also allows its users to create profiles and post information and comments about themselves and the clips they watch and upload. YouTube has created a very interactive society within the world of the internet.

Wikipedia - - This is a highly interactive website in the sense that is it very editable for internet users. It is an online encyclopedia that has its content updated by anyone.

Web 2.0 - Definition

The first thing I did to find a definition of Web 2.0 was to simply type it into Google, just like I'd do with all the other terms that most of us don't know much about. Not surprisingly, a Wikipedia page was basically the first result. I won't lie and say that I'd never use Wikipedia as a source, because, just like everyone else, it provides a good starting place to learn more about new things.

To save me the time of trying to explain to you right away in my own terms, I will provide you with an excerpt from the Wikipedia page.

“The term "Web 2.0" refers to a perceived second generation of web development and design, that aims to facilitate communication, secure information sharing, interoperability, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.”

In my own words, I would say that Web 2.0 is simply a bigger and better version of the original use and design of the internet. More specifically, it is a more advanced platform to be able to share information, connect with more people, and other such activities.

Keeping in mind that people have been able to interact with websites in the past, the concept of Web 2.0 is exciting because, now the interaction between internet users has become more user friendly as well as more accessible, as well as faster.

My Definition of Interactive Design

The most obvious answer or definition I can give for Interactive Design is as basic as "a design that is interactive". By interactive I mean, there is some sort of involvement from a user with the design. If you compare a person who just reads words on a page to someone who is using a mouse on a computer to click on a piece of text that causes some sort of reaction, then the person using the computer is interacting with the design.

The term 'interactive design' really just describes itself.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is Interactive Design?

As a designer in this course, I thought it best that I make sure I know what it is exactly that I will be learning about. Naturally, I googled "Interactive Design"... just as most other students would have.

Not surprisingly, the first result was a Wikipedia page giving its definition of Interactive Design. Even though the pages title is “Interaction Design” I believe it to be the same as saying, interactive. To save you the time of 'googling' it yourself, I thought I'd just give you the address:

A direct quote from the site above:

"Interaction Design (IxD) is the discipline of defining the behavior of products and systems that a user can interact with. The practice typically centers around complex technology systems such as software, mobile devices, and other electronic devices. However, it can also apply to other types of products and services, and even organizations themselves….Interaction designers are typically informed through iterative cycles of user research. They design with an emphasis on user goals and experience, and evaluate designs in terms of usability and affective influence.”

As I begin to learn more about the subject I will prepare a definition of my own.


- Andrew Evans

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Andrew's First Post

Hello Everyone,

This is my first blog post ever. As a designer I hope to use this space as a way of conveying some of my thoughts and designs to everyone. Over the coming weeks I will be posting my progress on the Interactive Design Projects that we have, and would love to hear people's thoughts or even suggestions to become even better.

Thanks, and talk to you soon.

- Andrew Evans

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