Blog Description

Hi Everyone,

This blog is an online account of the progress of my learning of Interactive Design, and its related subjects. The blog will include examples of my work, as well as links and other useful information.

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Web 2.0 - Examples

Giving a description of this concept is not sufficient enough for someone to fully understand what it means. Seeing is believing. Below I have listed some examples and links that people can follow. Some of them you may already be aware of and even use almost every time you log on to the net.

Blogger - - Allows for interaction between a user and the internet, and other users. Posts can be made, and updated, and commented on.

Facebook - - Almost everyone should be aware of the existence of Facebook and what its purpose and use is. However, for those who have not heard of it, it is a social networking site that allows people from anywhere in the world to be connected through a global or even national network of users. Marshall Mcluhan's :("Global Village" is very appropriately illustrated by Facebook.

YouTube - - Just like Facebook, everyone should be aware of YouTube. This is a site that allows people from anywhere to upload videos of themselves or anything else for that matter onto the one site where it is shared with the rest of the world. The site also allows its users to create profiles and post information and comments about themselves and the clips they watch and upload. YouTube has created a very interactive society within the world of the internet.

Wikipedia - - This is a highly interactive website in the sense that is it very editable for internet users. It is an online encyclopedia that has its content updated by anyone.

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